Where the Lights are Shining by Jana Meehan
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Where the Lights are Shining by Jana Meehan

  • $27.00

The splendor and scope of the 1904 World’s Fair dwarfed all other Victorian Era expositions. It was bigger, more educational and more cosmopolitan. Imagine being there among the beautiful Beaux Arts edifices with their towering obelisks, gilded domes and quadrigas. Imagine tasting the best and most varied foods in the world. Or seeing the most famous artwork. Imagine being in the company of the scientists who defined the state of mankind’s place in the world. Imagine soaring more than 260 feet in the air on that stunning Ferris Wheel.

This fictional novel is set during the time of the World's Fair and follows Rosemary Elbe, a young woman of limited experience, but hardly a star in her eyes. She meets Jim McIntyre, a police detective, and he creates a tension between her desire to be a wife and mother, and her determination to have a career as an architect outside of the home. 

Paperback | 445 pages