Hidden Assets: Connecting the Past to the Future of St. Louis by Richard Rosenfeld
This is the second book in the St. Louis Metromorphosis book series from the Public Policy Research Center. By most standard indicators, the St. Louis region is in a prolonged period of stagnation or decline. The urban core has suffered huge population loss. The central city has a large poverty population, high crime rates, and deteriorating public services. Residential patterns are highly segregated by race and wealth. Political fragmentation in the region and the corresponding absence of effective leadership are legendary. Based on these standard measures of strength, vitality, and growth, the region’s future appears dim. But these are not the only indicators by which the present and possible future of the region, including the central city, should be assessed. The region contains many “hidden assets” that, if effectively nurtured and promoted, augur a brighter future for the St. Louis metropolitan area.
Paperback 208 pages | 45 illustrations | 6 x 9